Set up the Product Reviews app

Adding Product Reviews to your store is one of the best ways to increase trust with your customers, providing social proof that other customers just like them purchased your products and were very happy with the services. Nothing stands out more than happy customers sharing their positive feedback!

One of the quickest ways to add customer reviews to your store is to import genuine reviews from real customers for the products you're selling directly from AliExpress. This is especially useful for stores focused on drop-shipping.

💡 Can't find your products inside the Product Reviews app? You may need to choose your desired import process first, as the initial list of products shown in the Product Reviews app's settings are only products with reviews. For more information about this, you may refer to our Product Reviews FAQs page.

Importing Product Reviews 📥

First thing's first - you have to import reviews to your store, and we made sure that you have plenty of options to choose from:

From AliExpress: How to import Product Reviews from AliExpress

From another app: How to import Product Reviews from another app

From CSV file: How to Import Product Reviews from a CSV file

💡 Looking to write your own reviews manually? This feature was recently removed to follow Shopify policies. For more information, you may refer here: Product Reviews FAQs

General settings ⚙️

Here's everything you need to know about the Product Reviews app:

How to send Automated Request Review emails

How to fine-tune the Product Reviews settings

How to filter & remove Duplicate Reviews

How to duplicate or move reviews from one product to another

By default, the Product Reviews app appears on your store's product pages. However, you can also have selected reviews to be displayed on other locations on your store, such as the Homepage. You can even set your featured reviews to be placed on its own dedicated page. Below are great resources you can use, depending on where you would like the Product Reviews app to appear:

Showing the Product Reviews using a Carousel

How to display Product Reviews on the homepage

How to display Product Reviews in a tab

Display featured reviews on a dedicated page

💡 Looking to have this app appear only on specific product pages? You can use the Module Filters section of the app to specify the product pages where you would like this app to appear. For more information, you can refer here: Displaying apps only on specific products using Module Filters

App not appearing on your store? The Vitals app might not yet be enabled on your Shopify Theme via the App Embeds section. For more information, you may go here: Enabling the Vitals app via App Embed

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