Setting up the Spin the Wheel app

Offering visitors incentives such as discounts is a great tool to increase your conversion rate. In doing so, you're also collecting your visitors' email addresses, which you can later use for email newsletters to have them revisit your store. The Spin the Wheel is a fun, interactive way to engage your visitors and offer them an incentive to make their first purchase!

💡 Email Addresses captured by this app are sent straight to your Shopify Customers list. All of these leads are tagged with Vitals.

You can also connect third-party services such as MailChimp or Klaviyo to have emails automatically sent there too.

Defining the discounts for the Wheel slices

The first thing you should be doing is setting up the Wheel Slices by planning what discounts you wish to offer to your customers and choosing which slices are winning and which are losing.

You also have two options on how you would like the discount codes to be created - automatically or manually:

If you would like us to generate the discount code for you with the corresponding discount (via an X% amount off discount), simply type the discount codes on the slices, making sure that the first two numbers of the discount code is the discount percent you intend to provide (ex. 10OFF will provide a 10% off discount, 30PROMO will provide a 30% off, and so on).

If you would like to create your own custom discount codes yourself without the need for a number, or if you already have discount codes created, you can simply click on "Add Manually", where you will be brought to your Shopify admin > Discounts area where you can manually create your discount codes.

💡 Looking to have your Shopify discount codes be combined with Vitals discount codes in an order? This is now possible through Shopify's Discount Combination Feature. For more information and its requirements, you can refer to this article: Combine Shopify Discounts with Vitals Discounts in an Order

💡 The Wheel picks up only winning slices as winners! The slices you have set up as losing are only there for the visual effect (like a 50% discount) and will never be won.

Displaying the Spin the Wheel pop-up

You can configure the trigger conditions for the Spin the Wheel from the Global Settings section:

There are a couple of options to choose how the Spin the Wheel app can be triggered:

  • Device - It can let you choose on which type of device the Wheel will appear - only on Desktop, only on mobile, or on both Desktop and Mobile
  • On leave intent - If you would like the Wheel to appear when the customer's intent is to leave the page (like moving the pointer outside of the arrow), you can enable this option
  • Show after - you can choose to trigger the app after an exact number of seconds
  • Show on scroll up - this setting will trigger the app when the user scrolls up the page

You can also let the visitor choose for himself if he wants to trigger the app or not by checking the Enable Manual Trigger setting.

💡 The discount code will not be sent to the visitor's email address. Once the visitor enters his email address and the discount code has been randomly chosen by the Spin the Wheel app, the discount code will stay on his current session as a small widget that he can copy anytime during the session.

Customizing the appearance of the Spin the Wheel app

Customizing the Spin the Wheel's appearance to match your store's design or theme can be done from the Content Settings section.

Being an interactive app, it needs to catch your visitors' attention and fit your store, so that is why we offer you a lot of flexibility and options when it comes to customizing the appearance.

You will be able to adjust the Welcome title, the Welcome message, as well as the call to action button and rejected message, along with all the colors for each.

Furthermore, you will be able to choose one out of the 12 available themes (color schemes) and one of the 12 icons to match the theme (for the Wheel's manual trigger)

Testing or troubleshooting:

If you wish to test the Spin the Wheel while you're setting it up, please check in a new Incognito page. All incognito pages need to be closed first, and a new one has to be opened to re-trigger the Wheel (so that no cookies are saved in the browser).

You can find a quick tutorial on how to open Incognito mode below:

How to use Incognito mode

💡 Looking to have this app appear only on specific product pages? You can use the Module Filters section of the app to specify the product pages where you would like this app to appear. For more information, you can refer here: Displaying apps only on specific products using Module Filters

App not appearing on your store? The Vitals app might not yet be enabled on your Shopify Theme via the App Embeds section. For more information, you may go here: Enabling the Vitals app via App Embed

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