Combine Shopify Discounts with Vitals Discounts in an Order

Discounts applied by our Vitals Upsell Offers can now be combined with other eligible discounts codes created on Shopify.

Vitals is using the official Shopify Discount Codes combinations functionality. If the setting is enabled, the Vitals discount code will be combinable with all 3 types of discounts:

  1. Product discounts
  2. Order discounts
  3. Shipping discounts

Note that all the functionality and limitations are on Shopify side. Please read the official documentation for more details about the eligibility requirements and limitations.

In order for a Shopify discount code to be combined successfully with Vitals discounts, the following requirements should be met:

  1. The Shopify discount code should either be the following:
    • Shopify Discount Code for Specific Product/s (Amount Off)
    • Shopify Discount Code for Buy X Get Y
    • Shopify Discount Code for Amount off order
    • Shopify Discount Code for Free Shipping
  1. The Shopify Discount Code should be set to combine with other discounts, which can be found under the Combinations section while creating the Shopify Discount:

  2. If you created a Shopify discount code that is meant for a specific product/products, its eligible products should be different from the eligible products defined in your Vitals Upsell offers (ex., If your Shopify Discount Code provides an amount off for Product A, it can only be combined with Vitals Upsell Offers that does not have Product A)

💡 Combining multiple discount codes may result in huge discounts. We recommend testing out different combinations on your end first before activating them.

How to Enable This Feature

To enable this great feature inside Vitals, simply open the Upsell Builder app and go to the General Settings tab, where you can see this option that can be enabled:

And that's it - any eligible discount codes you created on Shopify according to the requirements above will be combined with Vitals discount codes created after you enabled this setting. See it in action below:

  • Vitals discount combined with a Shopify Discount (Amount Off) for a product:

  • Vitals discount combined with a Buy X Get Y Shopify Discount:

    Note: The Shopify discount code created for a Buy X Get Y will only be combined with Vitals upsells that do not have the same products as part of the offer.

  • Vitals discount combined with a Shopify Discount for free shipping

    Note: The Free Shipping from a Shopify Discount code will only be applied if the location is part of the discount code's definition.

  • Vitals discount combined with a Shopify Discount for an amount off the whole order:

It will also work with automated Shopify Discount Codes, as long as the requirements mentioned above are correctly set up. See an example below:

Basic Troubleshooting

  • If you notice that your Shopify discounts are not combining with your activated Vitals discounts, consider checking the following:
  1. Ensure that the Shopify Discount Code is Active.
    • As Shopify discount codes can be set up with different number of options to provide a limitation, ensure that the Shopify Discount code is still active and can be used. Some areas to look into are:
      • The Shopify Discount Code might have reached its maximum number of usage.
      • The date of usage might be after the date limit defined in the Shopify Discount Code.
      • The Shopify Discount code might have a minimum order requirement and was not reached.
      • The Shopify Discount code might only be eligible for selected customers

  1. Ensure that the Shopify Discount Code is set to combine with other discounts.
    • As mentioned above, creating a Shopify discount code and making it combinable with other discounts will provide this capability. This can be set while you are creating your Shopify discount code:

  1. If a Shopify Discount Code meant for an amount off a product/products is created, the Vitals upsell offer should not have that product.

  2. If a Shopify discount code is defined as Buy X Get Y, ensure that the products defined in Shopify are different from the eligible products defined in your Vitals Upsell Offers.

  3. Ensure that the option "Allow customers to combine the Vitals discounts with other discount codes" is enabled inside the Vitals Upsell Builder app.

Limitations and Considerations

As this feature is used with Shopify's Discount Combinations, their limitations and considerations about this feature also apply. You can see a full list on Shopify's Help Center here, but below are some factors to note:

  • If product and order class discounts can combine, then multiple discounts might be applied to the same line item. For example, if a customer's cart is eligible for an automatic 10% off their order, and they enter a discount code for 5 USD off a product in their cart, then both discounts apply to the eligible item.
  • If two or more discounts are applied, but can’t be combined due to the discount combination setting or the content of the cart, then the best discount for the customer's cart is always applied.
  • Product discounts apply before the order subtotal calculates at checkout. This means that order discounts calculate based on the subtotal after the product discount is applied.
  • If two or more order discounts that provide a percentage off are applied to the same order, then both percentages are calculated on the original subtotal. For example, if a cart is eligible for a discount that provides 10% off the order, and a second discount code that provides 20% off the order, and the order subtotal is 100 USD, then the total after discounts is 70 USD or 30% off the original subtotal.
  • All order discounts are applied on the order subtotal after product discounts have been applied.

    For example, if the order subtotal is 100 USD and a cart is eligible for 10% off with code WELCOME10 and 20% off with code INFLUENCER 20, then 10 USD and 20 USD are subtracted from the order total, for a total discount of 30 USD off.

  • Multiple discounts are applied to an order only when the setting on each discount allows the combination.
  • You can have a maximum of 25 automatic discounts active on your store at one time. This means that a maximum of 25 automatic discount codes can be applied on the same order.
  • Customers can use a maximum of 5 product or order discount codes and 1 shipping discount code on the same order.
  • Discounts can only be combined on orders that are made through the Online Store and Shopify POS.
  • Products that are part of a Buy X get Y discount are ineligible for further product discounts. If a customer enters a discount code that applies to products in a Buy X get Y discount, then the Buy X get Y discount is removed, and only the discount code that the customer entered is applied to the order.

💡 Vitals discounts are still not combining properly even after all the requirements and limitations above are observed? There might be other discount factors that may need to be considered. For more information, check our Frequently Asked Questions here: Upsell Builder FAQs

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