Marking Product Reviews as Verified Reviews

Displaying verified product reviews on your store is essential for building trust with potential customers. A "verified" badge indicates that the review was written by someone who purchased and used the product, adding an extra layer of authenticity.

This helps visitors feel more confident in their buying decisions, knowing they can rely on genuine feedback from real customers. By highlighting verified reviews, you can enhance your store's credibility and drive more conversions, as customers are more likely to trust and act on reliable product feedback.

💡 Note: If a review is submitted via the app's review request email feature, it will automatically be marked as verified since the review was posted as a direct result of an authentic order.

How to mark reviews as verified reviews

  1. Select the desired reviews by selecting their respective tickboxes inside the Product Reviews app:

  1. Click the 3-dots menu that appears on the upper-right side, and select "Verified":

  1. After confirmation, the reviews will have a green checkmark beside their name:

The checkmark will also appear in the storefront, signifying the reviews as verified reviews:

💡 Note: Ensure that the product reviews that will be marked as verified are authentic reviews submitted by customers. Incorrect or malicious reviews are strongly prohibited by Shopify according to their Shopify Acceptable Use Policy

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