Understanding the Review Request Analytics Dashboard

See the different states of emails triggered by our Product Reviews app's Review Request feature for the past 30 days through its own dashboard.

The dashboard can be accessible via the See review request emails button inside the Request Reviews tab:

Basic Parts of the Dashboard

  1. Sent emails - The number of emails sent by this feature for the past 30 days.
  2. Scheduled emails - The number of emails that are still scheduled to be sent.
  3. Open rate - The rate of emails sent and opened by your customers.
  4. Reviews Collected - The number of reviews that were successfully collected from the emails sent by this feature (for the past 30 days)
  5. Email Types - Scheduled, Sent, Skipped

Scheduled - These are the review request emails that are scheduled to be sent. Each row contains the following details:

  • Order - Provides the order number that created the pending request review email
  • Customer - The customer's name to whom the expected review request email will be sent.
  • Items - The products that are part of that order (so that you can expect what product the recipient will review)
  • Scheduled Date - The date when the email will be sent

Sent - These are the review request emails that were already sent for the past 30 days. It will contain the order number associated with the Review Request email and the date when it was sent to the customer.

Skipped - These are the list of orders where a review request email was not sent due to various reasons like:

  • Unsubscribed - The customer did not accept email marketing when the order was created.
  • Deleted Products - The email was not sent because the product in the order is deleted (Reviews can only be submitted to published products).
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