Enabling Thank You Page Upsells

💡 Looking for the One-Click Post Purchase Upsell? If you are looking for the type of upsell that shows up before the Thank You Page appears, you may refer to this article: The One Click Post-Purchase

💡 IMPORTANT -Due to the recent changes of Shopify of the Thank You and Order status pages, this feature should be added first on the Thank You page as a Vitals Post Purchase block for it to work.

For the steps on how to do it, you may refer to our Help Center Article here: Adding the Vitals Post Purchase Block using the Shopify Theme Editor

For hasty customers who passed through the promotions from the Product and Cart pages without noticing them, Vitals has introduced an additional step to increase the promotion's visibility.

By enabling this feature, customers who complete an order that partially covers an existing promotion will get to see an Upsell on the Thank You Page.

Enabling the Thank You Page Upsell

You can enable the Thank You Page Upsell by making it Visible when creating or reconfiguring an Upsell Builder offer. It's available with Product Bundles, Volume Discounts, and Buy X Get Y offers.

The widget will contain the missing items from the initial order. The price will be adjusted so that - even though the customers didn't get any discount in the initial order - they will get double the discount in the second. To make this perk clear for your customers, we left the Bonus Disclaimer Text open for configuration so that you can choose the desired tone and language best fit for your business and clientele.

Rest assured; we have covered the tricky situations where the cumulated discount from the initial and post-purchase starts becoming unprofitable for your business. This can be controlled by configuring the Maximum Acceptable Discount field.

Note that the Maximum acceptable discount setting is applicable to the Post Purchase order. So the percentage is related to the price of the product from the Thank You page. If the product is $100, with the setting at 50%, the offer will be shown if the discounted price of the product from Thank You is $50 or more, but it will not be shown if the discount is higher, and the price of the product will be $49.99 or less.


For a "Buy X, get 2Y with 25% OFF" offer, when the customer orders X+1Y (so he's missing 1Y to meet the offer requirements), the Post Purchase Upsell widget will be displayed on the Thank You page of his order. The widget will let him know it's his last chance to benefit from the initial offer, with the entire discount, if he orders Y (basically, completing the initial offer requirements).

Technically, the discount will apply only to the second order, but it will have the same value as if the customer would have bought all of them together in the initial order. This essentially means that the customer will receive a discount of 50% for the second order.

Configuring this setting at 49% will prevent this offer from being displayed on the Thank You page.

The calculation is based on the Product Variant with the lowest price.

⚠️ Our Thank You Upsell feature would only work on orders that use the default currency of the store. If your store is selling to multiple countries where customers can checkout and complete orders besides your store's default currency, our Thank You Upsell is not integrated with that behavior at this time.

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