Set Up The Sticky Add To Cart App
Having the Add to Cart button visible for your visitors at all times is very important, as no matter how far down the page they scroll, they will still be able to add the product they want to cart quickly. You will help reduce the risk of the visitor leaving without adding to the cart!
The Sticky Add to Cart app is good to go almost out of the box, but if you wish to set everything up, you can find all the information here:
Please keep in mind that the Sticky Add to Cart bar has the same functionality as the Add to Cart button from your product page. Regardless of the button from the page or the Sticky bar's one is clicked, the result will be the same.
Here's how to set up the Sticky Add to Cart.
The Sticky Add to Cart bar is very easy to set up. However, the first thing you should do to have it working is to make sure you make it visible via Desktop, Mobile, or both.
If you want to only show the Sticky Add to Cart on Desktop rather than Mobile, or vice versa, make sure that only one of the two desired options is ticked.
The next step is to decide whether to show the quantity selector or not and choose the app's placement, be it at the top of the page or the bottom.
You can also choose to display the star rating snippets from the Product Reviews app under the product's title in the Sticky Add to Cart bar.
Furthermore, you can decide to either copy the design of the Add to Cart button from your theme or customize it yourself.
💡 Looking to have this app appear only on specific product pages? You can use the Module Filters section of the app to specify the product pages where you would like this app to appear. For more information, you can refer here: Displaying apps only on specific products using Module Filters