Set Up The Agree To Terms Checkbox App

Since the replacement of old legislation with the General Data Protection Regulation (commonly known as GDPR), it’s become more important than ever to comply with modern best practices - primarily if your store or customers are based in the European Union.

GDPR requires you to obtain explicit consent when processing personal data, so we’ve made it easy for your visitors to confirm reading your Terms of Service before checking out from the cart page.

The Agree-to-Terms Checkbox app is a great way for your store to ensure customers that check out also read and understood your store's terms and conditions.

By enabling this app, it provides a quick option on your store's cart page, asking the customer to agree to your store's policies, before doing the checkout.

If you haven't yet added a Terms of Service page to your store, the easiest way to do it is by using Shopify's own Terms of Service Generator (this doesn't mean you shouldn't also consult a lawyer). The same goes for Shopify's Privacy Policy Generator.

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