Have a question about your Vitals subscription?

Do you have a concern about your Vitals subscription? You may find the answers to your questions below.

How long is my free trial?

Thank you for your interest! Vitals offers a 7-day initial free trial that starts immediately upon installation. But you will also be able to add more days to your free trial, up to 30 days, just by doing simple tasks within the app.

What happens after my free trial period expires?

After the free trial, the Vitals subscription will switch to the initial plan you chose, and Shopify will start billing for the next 30-day cycle. More info is available at the Shopify Help Center under Subscriptions.

What are the limits of the free trial?

All 40+ apps within Vitals are accessible during the free trial period. Only certain features have specific usage limits, according to our Fair Usage Policy. For more information about our pricing plans, please visit our Pricing Plans page at https://app.vitals.co/bundle/pricing.

Where can I see the current Vitals Plan active for my Vitals App?

You can go to the Plans page from our Vitals App dashboard by clicking the Plan link on the left sidebar, like the screenshot below:

Once you're on the Plans Page, you will see your current plan and its inclusions. You will also see the inclusions of the higher plans and upgrade to them if it is the best fit for your store:

However, if you are looking for the actual current charge your store has with the Vitals app, that can be seen inside your Shopify billing, specifically under Shopify admin > Settings > Billing.

I'm on the free-trial plan but I decided to activate my Hobby plan, but my Visitor Replays app credits did not replenish. What happened?

With our Fair Usage Policy, the features that are available for access during the free trial are the same options as the Hobby plan. If the same Hobby plan is activated on the Vitals Plans page, it would use the same options during the free trial period.

If a higher plan (Business Plan and above) is activated instead during the free trial, then the activated plan's options will be used, which have higher options on specific apps. For more information about the different Vitals plans, please see our Pricing Page here.

What will happen to the Vitals app when I pause my store?

When a Shopify store is paused, all of its app subscriptions, including Vitals, will also be paused. However, Shopify commonly unpauses a store automatically after 90 days (via Shopify's Pause and Build Plan). Once Shopify unpauses the store, app charges and subscriptions will be reactivated automatically.

Therefore, we highly recommend first uninstalling/deleting the Vitals app from your Shopify admin > Settings > Apps and Sales Channels section before pausing your Shopify store. This will cancel the Vitals subscription and avoid unwanted charges.

Don't worry, though. All of your Vitals app settings are saved on our servers for 30 days, according to Shopify's API terms here. When you reinstall the Vitals app within 30 days from when the app was uninstalled, your subscription will become active again and all of your Vitals app settings will remain.

How can I cancel my Vitals subscription?

Thank you for your interest in our Vitals app! We are sorry to hear that you have decided to cancel.

If you have fully decided to cancel your Vitals subscription, you can uninstall the Vitals app from your Shopify admin under the Settings > Apps and Sales Channels section, and delete the app.

Once the Vitals app is deleted, your Vitals subscription will be canceled immediately.

If any of our apps are not working in your store, please contact our support team immediately, as they are available 24/7.

How can I pause my Vitals subscription?

Unfortunately, Shopify app subscriptions cannot be paused. To effectively pause the Vitals subscription, you can uninstall/delete the Vitals app from your Shopify admin > Settings > Apps and Sales Channels section.

But don’t worry. All of your Vitals app settings are saved on our servers for 30 days, according to Shopify's API terms here. When you re-install the Vitals app again on the same store within 30 days, the subscription will become active again, and all of your Vitals app settings are going to be there so that you can continue where you left off.

πŸ’‘ If you use the Product Reviews app in Vitals, it's safest if you export your reviews before uninstalling the app.

I want a refund of the Vitals app charge.

Contact our Support team for options.

I was charged twice by your app.

Please be informed that Shopify fully controls the charging process of any Shopify app subscriptions. Only Shopify has direct access to the payment method registered to your Shopify store account (for your security and privacy). Kindly contact Shopify support for clarity about this double charge.

πŸ’‘ According to Shopify's Help Center, Double charges may occur if the app charge cycle reaches the Shopify subscription cycle, as app charges happen on a fixed 30-day cycle. For more information, you can refer to Shopify's Help Center here.

A Vitals app charge was withdrawn without my permission.

Please be informed that Shopify fully controls the charging process of any Shopify app subscriptions. When a Shopify app with a recurring charge is installed, a prompt of the subscription, together with the date of the first charge, is going to be shown for the merchant's confirmation. This is all handled by Shopify.

Once the merchant confirms this subscription, an email from Shopify will be sent to the store's email address documenting this approval.

πŸ’‘ We don't have any access to any store's payment information.

I got charged for the Vitals app even though it is already uninstalled. I would like to get a refund.

The charge might have been created already by Shopify before the uninstall date but it is meant for the next billing cycle. Contact our support team for assistance.

πŸ’‘ If you got charged for the Vitals app even though the app is already uninstalled, this usually happens if the uninstallation was done in the middle of your billing cycle, as Shopify creates app charges in advance. More information about this on Shopify's Help Center here: Shopify Help Center - App Charges

Only Shopify creates and triggers app charges, as we do not have any access to any storeowner's payment instrument for Shopify's security and privacy.

I uninstalled the Vitals app. Do I need to remove any codes from my theme?

(If you installed the Vitals app before March 2023) - A single line of code was added to your theme file when the app was installed. After uninstalling our app, that snippet will not harm your store in any way. It will not load on the store (you won't even see it in the page's source).

However, if you want to completely remove it, you can follow these 2 steps to get rid of it in a single minute:

  1. From your Shopify Admin, go to Online Store Themes. Click Actions > Edit code.
  2. Select your theme.liquid file, then press CTRL + F  (CMD + F  on Mac) to search for the following code.
{% render 'vitals-loader' %}
  1. Remove this line of code, then press Save.

(If you installed the Vitals app after March 2023) - As we shifted to Shopify's App Embeds system, no Vitals app codes are injected into your theme. Enabling the Vitals app upon installation is as easy as enabling a switch inside your theme settings. For more information, you may refer to our Help Center here: Enabling the Vitals app via App Embed

Can I change the Payment method used for my Vitals subscription?

Contact Shopify support for additional assistance.

I uninstalled the Vitals app, but I would like to have a copy of the reviews from the Product Reviews app? What can I do?

You can contact us for additional support through the Support Beacon on the lower-right side of this page.

I want to transfer my Vitals subscription to another store.

This is not natively possible at the moment. If you wish to continue with the Vitals app on another store, you can simply uninstall the Vitals app from the old store and install the Vitals app normally on the new store.

If you wish to copy the Vitals app settings* from the old store to your new store, contact our Support Team for assistance.

*only selected Vitals app settings will be copied

Can I have a single Vitals app installed on multiple stores?

Each Vitals app subscription is only designed for one store. If you have multiple stores, each store will have its own Vitals app and subscription.

I have a referral link that provides additional benefits. How can I get it?

Once you use a referrer's link to install the Vitals app, the benefits will not be seen immediately on the Shopify App Store listing of Vitals. But once you install the app and choose your desired Vitals subscription, the benefit will be seen there for you to verify and accept.

I'm looking for an X app. Does Vitals have it?

You can contact our support team to help us understand what you're looking for. Our specialists are always eager to help!

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